Ethics Help Line
How to Report
Summary of OneWeb Technologies’ Policy
OneWeb Technologies is dedicated to upholding the highest legal and ethical standards with regard to the way we conduct business. We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethics in our relationships with employees, commercial and government customers and our suppliers.
OneWeb Technologies depends on its employees to report violations, or suspected or potential violations of OneWeb Technologies’ Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (the “Code”) so that we can take appropriate action and remedy the situation.
Following are several different options for reporting, depending on the issue:
Your supervisor
A higher level of management
OneWeb Technologies’ Ethics Compliance Officer
The Human Resources Department
The Legal Department
OneWeb Technologies’ Ethics Help Line
The OneWeb Technologies Ethics Help Line
The Ethics Help Line is a confidential resource available to employees to discuss any ethics or compliance question or concern, to seek clarification or guidance about OneWeb Technologies’ standards of conduct, or to report potential wrongdoing or inappropriate conduct in the company.
If you believe you have been subjected to retaliation, you should immediately contact the Ethics Help Line or Human Resources.
What to Expect When You Contact the Ethics Help Line
You will be treated with respect
Your concern will be treated seriously
You will not be required to identify yourself
Your report will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law and OneWeb Technologies’ need to fully investigate the matter. If OneWeb Technologies discovers criminal or otherwise improper activity, the company may be required to report such activity to appropriate government enforcement authorities.
Only those with a need to know will be involved in or know of the investigation.
Threats or acts of retaliation against you for reporting of unethical or illegal conduct will not be tolerated.
The Ethics Help Line may be contacted in either of the following ways:
By completing the contact information and submitting via email. All fields, except the Feedback/Report field, are optional, however, you must provide name, telephone number or email address at the minimum if you wish to receive a response and follow up.
By telephone to: 281-272-7599